Metatronia Therapy Healing
Universal light energy of the highest order.
“This Light is the Source from what all is created. It existed before the beginning of time and shines eternally for there is nothing new that lies under the Sun only the discovery of such that is so divine from within the heart and mind of Man.”
Metatronia is Source vibration healing energy. It may be termed as “Electro-medicine”. This sacred vibration received through Archangel Metatron aligns you to Divine light. The light works with your own unique energy/vibratory signature. The Divine light Dynamics specific purpose is to assist mankind’s Ascension.
It is ever altering, updating and expanding healing energy that constantly works to align you with Source Energy.
- Metatronia is involved in the Bioenergetics (energy flow through living systems) – This transformative energy connects the human system with higher light vibrational coding’s thus helping to align the human vessel with its Divine Blueprint.
We are awakening to a new state of being and to a higher conscious awareness of the greater reality. Metatron brings this vibration now, now, to assist mankind in our evolutionary process.
It works for us in many areas and aspects of our lives.
This vibration brings great healing to all facets of our earthly bodies encompassing our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and light body.
This amazing energy can be applied through both physical and distant application.
Your part in this is to be open to receive, to trust and believe and to begin to meet the energy halfway by surrendering and releasing that which no longer serves you.
A few Metatronia Benefits:
- Healing of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and celestial bodies
- DNA / RNA restructuring / rejuvenation / Change at the cellular level
- Feelings of freedom and release
- Energizing
- Releases trauma / negativity and it lifts frequency
- Balancing & Clearing of Chakras/ Energy Vortices
- Soul Connection
- Self-Realization
- Removal of Barriers / Blocks
- Reconnection to Source Energy
- Increased awareness of Oneness and Unity
- Raising of Consciousness
- Connection to Divine Consciousness
- Return to the Law of Grace
- Return to Divine Creativity
- Unification/Oneness
- Awareness, Alignment and Awakening
As a Reiki Master Teacher, I have found the healing energy of Metatron to be very different from other energies. It is much lighter (finer) in its application, but so very powerful in its transformational abilities and alignment assistance.
Metatronia treatment
A Metatronia treatment can be done either in person or by distance healing. Treatments are deeply relaxing.
By using distance healing you can receive the treatment in the comfort of your own home. It also saves you time. In addition, the treatment has the same effect as in-person treatments. I will follow-up with you by email the next day and provide you with feedback from your treatment. It is advised to drink plenty of water after your treatment and during the following week to assist with the detoxification/healing process.
If you have questions or would like more information please don’t hesitate to contact me. – Used with permission from Tammy L. Majchrzak – – 2010
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