Hello Kveta
I would like to express my gratitude for the help received from you for my health and well-being.
When I first connected to you I was in a very bad place on all levels, I felt alone, feel as if life was not worth living, my physical body was in constant pain, I was very unhappy I could not stop crying, I feel that my world has let me down.
After and during the first treatment with you I feel as if a great burden was lifted from me and feel more alive and comfortable within myself than I had for many many years.
After the second treatment that was amazing
I feel confident, all the body pain has gone except for slight pain in my knees. I stop crying and I really feel new and happier and contented than I had for a long time I am talking many many years, or should I say since I was a child.
Now I feel a new person someone who is happy to be alive, someone who is looking forward to life, someone who is pain free. It is difficult to say the changes that has taken place as they are enormous and is on all levels. I cannot express how grateful I am for your help and many many thanks for bring me back to life. I truly recommend this therapy to any and everyone who want to improve their lives on all levels.
God bless you, with all my love and blessings
~ Asteya UK